I have a seven year old cat that was diagnosed with crystals when he was a kitten. He’s been on prescription food for his crystals all his life. He weights 20 pounds because of the high carb in the food is making him sick.I want to know if I can take him off the prescription food and feed him a high premium food Young Again that controls his urine ph level?

Updated On October 14th, 2021

Pet's info: Cat | American Longhair | Male | neutered | 6 years old | 20 lbs

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Answered By Penelope Graben, DVM


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I would strongly advise against this. I would keep him on some form of food labelled for urinary crystal prevention. Urinary blockages can be a fatal emergency. Royal Canin, Hills, and Purina ProPlan are the three foods that use the most science in their nutrition. I have never heard of young again. Any of their foods that are labelled "S/O" are meant to prevent the formation of urinary crystals. Many urinary diets do have an increased caloric amount, and I sympathize that can be a struggle, but it is related to what keeps their urinary tracts healthy. You can try feeding canned food that is watered down to lower some calories. The extra water and hydration is great for the urinary tract as well. Feeding the food out of toys and feeders, instead of bowls in meals, to encourage their working for food and hunting behaviors can also help with their food intake.

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