Hello, My cat Bugger has squamous cell carcinoma. He weighs 7 lbs. Can you please tell me which dose of Prednisolone would be best for him daily? He is getting 2 1/2 mg. now but I am hoping 5 mg. daily would be more helpful. He does not have a vet now . The one he had misdiagnosed him twice. We can't go to anyone else. Please advise. Thank you. Linda

Updated On October 26th, 2021

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Answered By Lauren Jones VMD


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I'm sorry to hear that Bugger has been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma. Unfortunately, it is illegal for me (or any other vet on PetCoach) to make any specific dosage or medication recommendations for Bugger since I have not examined him in person. It's really important that you get Bugger established with a new vet for ongoing care, particularly since he has an ongoing chronic issue. He will need monitoring not only to track the progression of his SCC, but also to monitor his heart, liver and kidney function, and to be sure that he doesn't develop diabetes as a result of chronic steroid treatment. This article has more information about prednisone (prednisolone is equivalent, but in a form that is more bioavailable for cats): https://www.petcoach.co/pet-medication/prednisone/. I hope that everything goes well for Bugger!

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