Romeo took half of a Benadryl per vet advice for allergies. He has peed 3 times today normally. He just peed again but it wasn’t much volume of pee. Can Benadryl reduce urine output ? He’s eating good and playful so it might not be nothing to be overly concerned about but wanted to ask. This was his first time taking Benadryl

Updated On November 5th, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Shih Tzu | Male | neutered | 8 years and 9 months old | 12 lbs

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. This is not a known side effect of Benadryl, but excessive amounts may result in urinary retention. It is very unlikely that this has happened on his very first dose. Benadryl generally does a very poor job addressing allergies. We have much better medications. However, if this is all you have at this time, I would double check your dose ( 1 mg per pound of body weight every 12 hours ) & make sure you are not giving him too much. If he continues to have difficulties urinating, then I would be more suspicious of a UTI, or the presence of urinary calculi, or stones. For this, please contact your veterinarian. I hope all is well with Romeo & thanks for contacting PetCoach.

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