Our vet prescribed Amoxicillin for a possible uri. Her dosage instructions were 1/2 dropper full daily 2x/ day, which is 1ml/day. The bottle states 1ml=50mg. However, the bottle (and online) says 5/10mg per pound once per day. So the bottle instructions max dosage would be 20mg for our 2lb kitten. Which instructions should i follow? The bottle or the vets, even though the vets recommended is 2.5x the dosage instructions. Thank you
Updated On November 10th, 2021
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Answered By Ana M, DVM 217
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Thank you for submitting your question regarding your kitten. Amoxicillin is a medication with a wide dosing range. I can understand your confusion with the package though. I would recommend following your veterinarian's dosing for now, but be sure to follow up with the prescribing doctor to double check. You should be able to call the office and have someone check for you. This will give you piece of mind. I hope this information helps!
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