Our new puppy has an upset tummy. It was runny all the time, but now the 1st poop of the day is okay and then goes runny. I brought something recommended by pet shop (paste that i give her twice a day). She's playful and 'happy'... eating and drinking, but still upset?

Updated On November 16th, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Whippet | Female | unspayed | 1 month and 23 days old

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Answered By Dr. Paula Simons


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The most common cause of diarrhea in a young dog is gastrointestinal parasites. I would recommend submitting a stool sample to your vet for analysis. I would also recommend only feeding a single puppy diet and eliminating treats and bones until the diarrhea resolves. If it still does not improve, further evaluation by a vet is warranted.

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