Cat is 8yrs old. First had swellings on top of neck, top of legs. Lesix tablet made the swellings go away. After weeks didn't eat and vomited. My Vet diagnosed as ear mite infection. Now he's following the attached treatments and ear drop(ciplox). Current symptoms:two major seizures, weak physique, weak appetite, gets shaken by loud noises, looks around a lot like he doesn't understand, drinks lots of water. Please, I need second opinion about the diagnose and the treatment given. Thank you
Updated On November 19th, 2021
Pet's info: Cat | Asian | Male | unneutered | 8 years and 10 months old | 4.5 lbs
Answered By Lauren Jones VMD 119
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I’m sorry to hear that Kiri has been so sick. Ear mite infections will not cause the severity of the issues you’re seeing at this time. Lasix is a diuretic used to remove excess fluid build up - typically from heart disease. Increased water consumption is a common side effect of this medication. Without having examined Kiri or seeing any test results (including blood work, a urinalysis, and even x-rays), it’s next to impossible to provide an accurate idea as to what may be causing this signs, as there are too many possibilities. For instance, autoimmune disease, cancer, toxin exposure, or various infectious diseases could all cause these signs. In order to comment on your vet’s treatment recommendations, I’d first need to know the cause of these signs. At this point, it sounds as though extensive further diagnostic testing is needed. I hope that everything goes well!
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Other Answers
Answered By Penelope Graben, DVM
Hello, Kiri sounds like he has a very complicated internal medicine case- I worry he may have something serious like a type of cancer or endocrine problem. You might try to take Kiri to a specialist veterinarian or somewhere else for another opinion and more diagnostic tests to find an answer. Best of luck to you.
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