Puppy is almost 5 mo yhs old and fang tooth fell out while playing rough with other dog. How do I know if it's puppy tooth or adult tooth or if the root broke?

Updated On November 29th, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Rhodesian Ridgeback | Female | 4 months and 24 days old

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Answered By Lauren Jones VMD


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Canine (fang) teeth usually erupt between 5-6 months of age. Since Daisy is not quite 5 months old yet, the chance of her having a fully erupted adult canine tooth is quite slim. The tooth in the picture looks much more like a baby tooth than an impressively large adult canine tooth in a dog her size. With that said, I'd still recommend having your vet perform a full oral exam on Daisy during her next visit. They may also recommend taking dental x-rays to be sure that the full tooth root came out, as retained roots can be problematic. Odds are good that her tooth was already just a little bit loose and this rough playing just sped up the process. It's always better to be safe than sorry!

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