7 month red heeler. Noticed eye sclera bulging over her iris today, with noticeable difference in size than other eye. No discharge visible. Gave her Benadryl and flushed affected eye with NS and not sure if I need to take to emergency vet or schedule. What are your opinions on what she has and treatment?

Updated On November 30th, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Blue Heeler | Female | spayed | 30 lbs

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Answered By Penelope Graben, DVM


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Hello there, Thanks for the good photo. Good work with the benadryl and saline eye flush- those are great first steps. She is likely fine to wait to see her regular veterinarian, as long as she still has energy and an appetite. It appears like her face may have some muscular muscle wasting that is allowing her eyes to protrude more. There are a few things that can cause this- your vet will be able to tell you more after a good physical exam. I'd get her in to see someone this week for sure.

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