He's recently been diagnosed diabetic, changed his food, and I've been giving him injections of insulin after he eats. (Twice a day) He has a Free Style Libre attached, and despite everything, his blood sugar is still way up in the 400's. His vet is unavailable, but the one there said not to change his insulin amount until I speak with her tomorrow. He's getting 14ml x 2 per day (I think ml)

Updated On December 2nd, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Labrador Retriever | Male | neutered | 113.8 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Paula Simons


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Thank you for reaching out about Taz. It sounds as though his blood sugar is still not well controlled and he may need adjustments to his insulin dosing with his family veterinarian after a glucose curve. I would not adjust his insulin administration without consulting with his primary care vet. Just ensure you are giving the insulin per the doctors instructions. His dose should be in Units not ml (this would be a VERY high dose).

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