My Romeo Shih Tzu was diagnosed with a UTI on Friday. Today is Monday. He’s on Amoxicillin. He is peeing more than small amounts now. He still marks once or twice a day but always has. Is this a descent amount of urine? He took less than a min to do. I’m just worried about his UTI & hoping it’s improving. He’s eating good etc. He gets another urine test on Friday of this week

Updated On December 6th, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Shih Tzu | Male | neutered | 8 years and 10 months old | 12 lbs

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Answered By Lauren Jones VMD


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This looks like a pretty normal urine puddle for a dog Romeo's size. I think it's encouraging that he's no longer only urinating in small volumes. Signs that his infection would be persisting or worsening include urinating small frequent amounts, straining to urinate, seeing blood in the urine, licking his penis more than normal, or drinking large volumes of water. From what you've described, it sounds as though Romeo is improving so far, but his test on Friday will provide more clarity. Until then, just keep giving the amoxicillin as prescribed. I hope that everything goes well!

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