Hello! My Shih Tzu has been treated for UTI. He peed this morning but it wasn’t a lot. Is this considered normal size puddle? It was his first pee of the day so thought it would be more. He did pee before bed too last night. Just concerned, he goes Monday for another urine test. He’s been on Amoxicillin . Thank you

Updated On December 11th, 2021

Pet's info: Dog | Shih Tzu | Male | neutered | 8 years and 10 months old | 12 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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Since I don't know Romeo's normal urinary volume (your vet may know better), and the newspaper absorbs a lot, it would be hard to give an accurate estimate. A better judge is to watch and see how much he's going how often over a period of a few days, as well as the urine's color (cloudy? yellow? red-tinged?) and if Romeo is straining to go or seems painful when he's going. Switching to a white puppy pad for a few days may also help you get a better visual guide as to how much he is going as well without the newspaper obstructing it. If he's on a more normal (for him) potty schedule, and is eating and drinking well, those are all good signs. If he's having issues or is having urinary trouble still, bringing it up at your recheck appointment is best.

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