Romeo had UTI and took a week of Amoxicillin. He was retested and everything was clear. No more UTI. I’m happy about that. My question is- do urinalysis tests show possible evidence of stones ? Romeo is peeing 5 times a day per normal for him but sometimes it’s not much volume. It’s more than little drops and he doesn’t have blood or appear in pain or dripping. I know he’s a small dog and I’m sure urine volume can vary throughout the day. He’s on a wet food diet right now twice a day. Thank you
Updated On December 14th, 2021
Pet's info: Dog | Shih Tzu | Male | neutered | 8 years and 10 months old | 12 lbs
Answered By Lauren Jones VMD 119
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I'm glad to hear that Romeo's UTI cleared up! In some (but certainly not all) dogs with bladder stones, crystals may be seen microscopically with a urinalysis. However, for some dogs with bladder stones, crystals don't pass through the urine and only form around bladder stones. Male dogs uncommonly get UTIs, so given Romeo's recent history, it sounds as though it's worth asking your vet about taking x-rays of his bladder to rule out the possibility of bladder stones. The most common types of bladder stones (struvite and calcium oxalate) are visible with x-rays. I hope that everything goes well!
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