My dog Romeo got his anal glands expressed yesterday afternoon and also the vet tech shaved around the area. He was uncomfortable all evening scooting and kept sitting down and getting up. It looked pretty red last night so took him to ER who said it’s just a razor burn.. It looks like it’s improving to me. Would the ER vet be able to diagnose a anal gland abscess if there was one? It was my first time with this ER vet.He’s still little uncomfortable. Anything I can do? Like compresses? Thanks!
Updated On January 6th, 2022
Pet's info: Dog | Shih Tzu | Male | neutered | 8 years and 11 months old | 12 lbs
Answered By Dr. Leigh, DVM 58
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The ER vet should be able to diagnose an anal gland abscess on examination. Whoever expressed his anal glands should have also notice an infection, if there was one present. The area around his anus does look a little red and irritated. You could call your vet and ask him/her to prescribe a topical cream to help make him more comfortable. Otherwise, you could try a warm compress to the area and then spray it with over the counter Vetericyn plus spray.
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