My dog hurt his paw while playing a few days ago. It was bleeding so I wiped the blood and put some microcyn on it. He seemed to be fine but now we noticed that he is licking at it, and wheb we looked at it we noticed this growth on his paw. I am very concerned about it as it looks bad. Pretty sure it is an infection. My question is can this wait till Monday to go to the vet or should I go to the emergency vet? Is there anything I can do for him in the meantime? Thank you
Updated On January 8th, 2022
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Male | neutered | 2 years and 1 month old | 45 lbs
Answered By Rodrigo Roca, DVM 174
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Hello, thank you for your question about Baxter. Based on your description and the photo provided I believe that Baxter can wait until Monday to be seen by a veterinarian. In the meantime I would try to prevent him from licking at the area and try to keep it as clean as possible. If you have one you can use an e-collar to prevent him from getting at the area. Alternatively you could cover his foot with a sock (if you use this method try to keep the sock clean and dry, it may need to be changed). Additionally when Baxter goes outside I would recommend covering his foot (especially if the ground is wet) to prevent dirt and debris from getting to the area. You can use a plastic shopping bag or a bootie for this purpose. I would recommend scheduling an appointment with your veterinarian on Monday so that they can examine the area and determine if it is infected/irritated and prescribe Baxter any medications that they feel are warranted. Hope this helps, good luck!
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