Hi, My german shepherd seems to have a cyst/wound right above the paw. However, i have no clue about what that could be. it is quite small, have a reddish color and doesn't seem to bother him besides the bleeding occuring rarely. I have an appointment with my vet next Tuesday. The photo is kind of blurry because he would not let me take a photo of it. my dog is 16 months old. thank you.
Updated On February 1st, 2022
Pet's info: Dog | German Shepherd | Male | unneutered | 85 lbs
Answered By Dr. Leigh, DVM 58
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It looks like a small dermal mass which could be a cyst, infection, histiocytoma, etc. Histiocytomas are benign masses that affect young dogs and typically resolve with no treatment. The best way to diagnose is to have your vet perform a fine needle aspirate and cytology.
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