My parents said my cat was somewhat limping a little the other day but they couldn't see what was wrong. She stopped limping and is walking and running normally now, but I checked her paw and it has some weird clump on/in it? What is it?? And should I go see a vet or is there anything I can do for her instead?

Updated On February 11th, 2022

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Female | spayed | 6 years and 1 month old

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Answered By Lindsey Edwards MVB, BSc, IVCA


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The picture is not very clear and it is not possible to diagnose from that but the fact she is no longer limping is positive and I would monitor for any recurrence. There does appear to be some hard/damaged skin at the edge of the paw pad which might respond to vaseline/paw balm (as long as all ingredients are cat safe). I would recommend scheduling a visit to your vet if it relapses - a video can be very helpful for them as she may not be lame during the visit.

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