Updated On March 24th, 2022
Pet's info: Dog | Boxer | Female | spayed | 1 year and 5 months old | 55 lbs
Answered By Jeffrey Milner 128
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I would need to know more information on your dog’s medical history and background to give you a more complete answer. In general with your dog weight about 25.0 kg with a 200 mg ingestion, that comes out to about an 8 mg/kg ingestion. This is below the threshold for most dogs likely to suffer from clinical symptoms. Most dogs will not begin to see significant side effects until at least 16 mg/kg, with some sources siting 25 mg/kg as the true starting point. However, if your dog is on other medications or got into other medications simultaneously, that might alter the answer dramatically. Given that it was just the one tablet and it probably has at least partially absorbed by now, I am not going to recommend induction of vomiting or a trip to the ER. However, it would not be a bad idea to consider an over the counter antacid, something like Omeprazole 20mg Capsules and a small amount of milk (less than 4 oz, lowest percentage fat available) to help coat the stomach. Gastrointestinal bleeding is the main worry with ibuprofen toxicity, but definitely a precautionary measure in this instance. Instead of milk you can even try something like Tums, up to 2 grams at a time. Hopefully you won’t see any problems. Watch for vomiting, black colored stool, listlessness, pale gum color, or significant changes in appetite / energy level. You can also consider getting a pet poison control case opened. Simply google the phone number. Hope this makes sense.
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