Hi my kitten was spays ago. Does her incision look ok? I'm worried cos I see gaps and she has been running around the first chance she gets

Updated On April 6th, 2022

Pet's info: Cat | Scottish Fold | Female | spayed

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Answered By Lauren Jones VMD


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Thank you for sending the picture! I can see the puckering on KC’s skin that you’re concerned about, but this area looks pretty normal to me. The abdomen is closed in 2-3 layers depending on the surgeon’s preference, so even if there is a little puckering of the skin incision, the abdomen itself is still closed. I also don’t see any evidence of infection or inflammation since there doesn’t appear to be any swelling, redness, or discharge. For now, continue to keep the e-collar on KC and do your best to keep her relatively quiet. I realize that’s an impossible undertaking, so just do your best! I hope that everything goes well!

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    Answered By Lauren Jones VMD


    Unfortunately, the picture that I assume you'd tried to include didn't attach to your question properly. Please email the picture of KC's incision to customerservice@petcoach.com, then we'll be able to give you more accurate advice. Until then, do your best to try to keep KC relatively quiet by keeping her in a small room and be sure to keep an e-collar (cone) on her at all times to prevent her from licking at her incision.

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