My dog had 2 lipomas removed on April 27. One set of stitches is fine but the other opened. So on May 6 they stapled her. Today May 7 the wound is open again. The vet said that at this point restitching or restapling won’t work. So we have more antibiotics and an inflatable collar now. We have the wound covered with topical antibiotic & gauze/wrap, a dog onesie, and the inflatable collar. Is there anything else we should do or have done? Seems odd to leave the wound this way. Thx/regards LP

Updated On May 7th, 2022

Pet's info: Dog | Dachshund miniature | Female | spayed | 11 years and 4 months old | 16.5 lbs

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Answered By Mara Howard, DVM


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Good evening! Wounds can heal via “secondary intention,” which is slowly closing from the inner to outer layers. If there is an active infection or underlying damage to the tissues, this may be the ideal way to allow a wound to heal. Sutures typically heal in approximately two weeks, and thus tends to be the easier and faster option if possible. I would recommend reaching back out to your veterinarian to see if another full multi-layer closure would work, and if not, why to determine the plan moving forward. If you are unsure, it would be something where you could pursue a second opinion if you’d like as well. Good luck!

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