Hello, we recently moved to a new apartment with our cat. He has been acting totally normal but threw up what looks like bloody bile this morning. He has taken just a few bites of food, but won’t drink water. What do I do?

Updated On May 25th, 2022

Pet's info: Cat | American Shorthair | Male | neutered | 12 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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Hello! My name is Dr. Shines and I am worried about Beans. I agree that looks like blood from the photo. Just like humans, throwing up blood can indicate a real problem. Any time a pet vomits blood, they need to be examined by the veterinarian. I recommend to have Beans examined today. Vomiting blood could be due to a bleeding ulcer, severe infection, severe parasites, bleeding disorder, severe pancreatitis, cancer, a foreign object or poisoning. This may not be an exhaustive list. Sometimes it can be related to rupturing a blood vessel from severe vomiting. In that case, medication is given to protect the damaged tissue until it can heal. Bring in a sample of fresh stool for testing. Fingers crossed it's something on the less severe side and that Beans recovers quickly! And please feel free to check back in with any further questions.

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