I give my 13 year old lab 2 cosequin and 1 human grade ostero bi-flex for her joint issues....is this safe to do? I also notice her drinking more mostly in the evening.

Updated On June 2nd, 2022

Pet's info: Dog | Labrador Retriever | Female | spayed | 12 years and 7 months old | 63 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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I worry that the secondary ingredients in the Osteo Bi-flex may cause some issues, however without knowing which of the Bi-flex products you're using, it would be hard to determine this. Most dogs do just fine on Cosequin only (at the right dose for their size) and there are multiple products on the market if you feel Kopy needs more than just glucosamine. I would follow your vet's recommendation for what products to use as they know your dog and any other health issues/medications she's on best. As for the increased thirst, it would be hard to say if it is related to this medication, or another underlying issue, especially since Kopy is a senior pup. A blood panel to rule out any issues, as well as additional tests as needed (thyroid, cushings, etc) is always a good idea with new or changing symptoms.

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