Is petsmile a good and safe toothpaste to use on my cat? Their website states "Petsmile’s proprietary formula Calprox® is clinically proven to inhibit plaque and tartar buildup, while whitening teeth by gently dissolving the protein pellicle. The protein pellicle is the thin bio-film that forms on the surface of the teeth, to which plaque, bacteria, and stains adhere. Removing the pellicle leaves your pet’s teeth cleaner and whiter." Is this ingredient safe for cats?

Updated On June 11th, 2022

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 11 lbs

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. As you can see on the product, this does have the seal of the VOHC (Veterinary Oral Health Council), but when I look closer at the recommendations they have, this product seems to be better for dogs, than cats. It is absolutely safe for cats, but if you want to use one truly recommended by the VOHC for cats, then look for Healthymouth Toothpast/Brush Kit Combination for cats. This is the only toothpaste type product they recommend specifically for cats & this was of February, 2022. If you cannot find the Healthymouth toothpast for cats, then the Petsmile product is perfectly fine to use on Sweetie. Thanks for contacting PetCoach.

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