Our chocolate lab will be 7 years old in 4 months. He weighs 140 lbs, he is tall and lanky. Not fat. My husband claims he is purebred, but he’s not papered so I question if he’s got another breed in him. But, what is the life expectancy of a chocolate lab this large? I know they say around 10ish years for a chocolate lab, buts he way lager than average so that’s why I am asking. Also constantly has issues with ear infections, crazy immune responses, inflammation, allergies, etc.

Updated On June 14th, 2022

Pet's info: Dog | Labrador Retriever | Male | neutered | 6 years and 7 months old | 140 lbs

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Copper. I would suspect that he is mixed with another breed. That is very large for a Labrador. Most male labs weight between 65-85 pounds at an ideal weight. Some will be bigger and some smaller, but is a pretty consistent average. If he is mixed with a larger or giant breed dog, I would suspect his life span to be closer to those breeds. Most giant breed dogs live 8-10 years. You can do an at home DNA test though if you are interested. I hope this information helps!

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