My 16 yr old Persian cat was recently diagnosed w/kidney disease. Doc prescribed Hill's Kidney Care. I've been trying to give the canned version for the first time ever because of dehydration. She eats some, but not enough, & has dropped from her usual 7 1/2 lbs to about 5 1/2 lbs. She licks & licks, but it takes forever for her to get it in. She also seems unable to pick up the dry version because of it's shape & size and her flat face. What can I do to get her to eat enough?

Updated On June 14th, 2022

Pet's info: Cat | Persian | Female | spayed | 16 years and 2 months old | 5.5 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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I had a Persian as well, and faced the same problems with the kidney disease as well as the flat face. To help my cat eat, I would mix together some of the dry food with the wet food and form a pyramid shape of the food. That made it easier for my boy to eat the food. I would have to reshape the food a couple of times while he was eating, but it did help him. You may try that for Chanel. Have you by chance mentioned to your vet about her weight loss? That is a lot of weight for such a small cat. I would give your vet a call about that weight loss if you haven't let them know already, they may want to see her. I hope this helps.

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