About 30-40min ago I found my 11w old kitten with a Pothos leaf. I’m not really sure if she’s eaten/chewed it at all. She seems asymptomatic at the moment. I’ve also rinsed her mouth with some water. I’m just worried because it’s 11pm so I won’t be able to get her to her vet until 9am. Is there anything I can do? Should I be worried? (All holes/marks on the leaf (in photo) have browned edges so I don’t think they’re new and maybe not from her?)
Updated On June 20th, 2022
Pet's info: Cat | Bengal | Female | unspayed | 3 months and 3 days old | 3 lbs
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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Pothos can be very irritating tot he mouth and GI tract. It doesn't appear that much of the leaf is missing. Monitor for drooling, redness in and around the mouth, difficulty eating, loss of appetite, lethargy or abdominal pain. These are all symptoms that should be addressed by your veterinarian. Typically, symptoms appear within minutes of ingestion or chewing. As long as she is not showing symptoms, she should be fine.
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