My 12 year old MinPin was diagnosed with CHF. Local vet says there is nothing that can be done. She coughs, sneezes, etc. and I was wondering if Lasix (amount) would alleviate her condition.

Updated On June 20th, 2022

Pet's info: Dog | Miniature Pinscher | Female | spayed | 12 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Yes Lasix can help dogs with CHF but the dosage can only be determined by the prescribing vet. Legally we cannot prescribe it, and its usage has to be monitored by a vet as it can have some serious side effects like dehydration, weakness, collapse, balance problems, electrolyte imbalance, lack of urine production, and a racing heart beat. There are other medications that can be used to control the symptoms of CHF, they won't cure it, but they will make her more comfortable. I'd talk to Lucy's vet about Lasix and other medication. I hope this helps.

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