My 12 year old dog had a protrusion white in color sticking out of her private area. About an inch or so long. It went back in within a couple minutes. She doesn't seem to be in any pain. She had been spotting blood for a few days prior to this. Also some urine dripping out after she goes pee outside. Worried about her. I recently adopted her 2 months ago. Thank you for your time.
Updated On June 22nd, 2022
Pet's info: Dog | Yorkshire Terrier | Female | 12 years and 2 months old | 10 lbs
Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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If Molly is not spayed, I would have her examined by a vet ASAP. It is possible there are issues such as a urinary infection, pyometra (infection of the uterus), prolapse (if things are protruding) or even additional issues such as parasites trying to bury in the skin. Since there is also blood present, it'd be best to have her checked out. Other signs to look out for include lethargy, fever, changes in eating or drinking, additional discharge, increased urination, and cloudy/bloody urine.
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