My cat is about 13 years old and has been balding around her chin for sometime. This week I noticed it was red and irritated looking and today it seems like there is dried blood on her chin. She looked uncomfortable, and while she let me pet her, she wouldn’t let me touch her chin to clean it. We’re in the process of moving, and she’s already stressed so I am trying to avoid taking her physically to the vet. Any home remedies or over the counter product recommendations are appreciated!
Updated On June 24th, 2022
Pet's info: Cat | Javanese | Female | spayed | 5.6 lbs
Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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Unfortunately, that looks like it's affecting a large part of Kitty's face, and if the area is also bleeding, it should be checked out by a vet ASAP. It's possible there's an infection brewing, a tumor or growth that needs to be treated, or an allergy causing problems. Until you can get to your vet, it would be best to keep Kitty from rubbing at it with an Elizabethan (cone) collar so she can't cause more bleeding or wounds. Keeping it as clean and dry as possible with a clean washcloth can help prevent any dirt or debris from crusting up and causing problems. However, if the site is bleeding a lot even with home care, is oozing debris, smells bad, is painful (which you mentioned it was) or isn't healing, it needs to be seen by your vet.
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