My cat has been diagnosed with pseudonomas in her nose/sinus. This has been going on for a month with diagnosis today. She is on an antibiotic. How contagious is this to me?

Updated On July 1st, 2022

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 11 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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This is a great question! The scientific name for pseudomonas is Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and it is a bacteria that can infect multiple species including humans. That being said, in order for it to infect humans, there needs to be some sort of skin compromise, such as a skin allergy or other skin problem that can invite a pseudomonas infection. As long as you are not immunocompromised and wash your hands after each time you touch Bey Bey, including after each time you give her medication, you should be fine. If you are truly worried, you can wear disposable gloves while handling her and giving her medication, but that won't be necessary. I hope this helps!

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