Our puppy that we got 3 days ago has a rash on her belly. We think she had it when we got her but we just didn't see it. We are in the process of finding a vet, but are wondering what it may be?

Updated On July 5th, 2022

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 28 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Congrats on your new puppy, but I'm sorry Sasha has a rash! Thank you for the picture, it's very helpful. This could be puppy pyoderma, which is a skin infection. Puppies have very sensitive skin, and they can be prone to bacterial skin infections. Puppy pyoderma is quite common amongst young puppies, is usually not serious, and can easily be treated by your vet. Another cause could be fleas. I can't make a definitive diagnosis without seeing her in person, so it's good you are trying to find her a vet. Finding her a vet is not only good for this problem, but also for getting her vaccine course completed, making sure she is healthy now and in the future, and having there for any potential problems that may arise. Once you find a vet, please make an appointment for her to be seen to get this diagnosed and treated. I hope this helps!

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