My 6 year old Lab has strep and our local vet gave our dog Amoxicillin our dog is on Amoxicillin 6 days now and done in week no cough for 2 weeks. We are supposed to get a puppy in few days and are worried of our dog giving the puppy strep? How long is our dog contagious on Amoxicillin and will puppy catch strep?
Updated On July 13th, 2022
Pet's info: Dog | Labrador Retriever | Male | neutered
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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Hello, my name is Dr. Elizabeth and I am happy to help. I hate to hear D was sick but it sounds like he is improving, which is great. And congrats on the new puppy, how exciting! I think your concern is warranted as you don't want the new puppy to get sick. In general, pets are considered not contagious if they haven't been coughing for a week. Or once they start antibiotics, generally they will not be contagious (assuming they respond well as expected) within a week into therapy. These are generalized assumptions but keep in mind, every pet is different. Personally, I would want the antibiotic on board for 10 days AND no coughing for 10 days before I would bring home a puppy. I would also clean the house really well including washing all dogs beds/blankets, vacuuming and mopping to decrease bacteria and viruses in the environment. If possible, have the breeder go ahead and give the Bordetella vaccine (ideally a week or longer ) before the new puppy is due to arrive at your house. I hope this helps and please feel free to reach out any time!
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