While away from home, my cat got accidentally locked in a closet in the house. He was in there for a few hours. When we got home we let him outside immediately and tried to give him cold water. He was panting heavily for 5 minutes, but calmed down once let outside. Should I take my cat to a vet for potential issues from him overheating?
Updated On July 16th, 2022
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 10.5 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Poor Kane! Given that he has calmed down, I am thinking that that panting was from stress; nevertheless, keep an eye on him just in case. If you see him start panting again, drooling, agitation (may be shown by pacing), a bright red tongue, or breathing distress, take him into a vet immediately. I hope this helps!
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