Our 8 month old puppy was neutered three days ago. He is eating and drinking normally. Bowel movements are normal. Site does not feel warm. He does not show any signs of it being tender. I’m concerned about the amount of redness. Does he need to go back to the vet to be checked or is theirs normal healing?
Updated On July 23rd, 2022
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Male | neutered | 8 months and 4 days old | 45 lbs
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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Hello, my name is Dr. Elizabeth and I am happy to help. While Georg's incision does look a little red, this may still be ok. The scrotum is bruised but that's not unexpected for a male who is more developed like Georg. Make sure there is no discharge coming from the incision. It should not be painful. Make sure there is not gapping (opening) of the incision. It doesn't appear to have any swelling from the photo but watch for that as well. If Georg is moving a lot or licking at all at the incision, it could make it inflamed or irritated. Have Georg wear an elizabethan collar at all times to prevent licking. Make sure the end of the collar comes out past his nose, otherwise he can still reach the incision. Try as best you can to limit his activity. Certainly he should not have any running or jumping. Try to limit stairs and climbing off/on furniture. Short, controlled walks are generally fine. When he goes out to potty, he should be on a leash. If this is difficult (and certainly if may be with a puppy!), call his vet and ask about picking up a sedative pill to use for the next week. Check the incision every day. The redness should gradually decrease every day. If it's still looking just as red by Monday, or if it looks worse at any point, have him examined. Daily photos with identical lightening may help you to keep better track of the redness. I hope this helps and that Georg heals quickly! Complete healing generally takes 10-14 days.
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