I’m worried my dog may have gum disease as she’s not eating enough
Updated On July 24th, 2022
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Female | spayed | 44 lbs
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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Hello, my name is Dr. Elizabeth and I am happy to help. Thank you for the photo, it is helpful. I agree with you and am also concerned Shilo has dental disease (and potentially periodontal disease). I can't know for sure the full extent until the plaque is removed but it looks like there is some gingival recession affecting both of the smaller teeth behind her upper canine tooth. It also looks like there is a far amount of plaque or potentially infection around the base of those teeth. Depending on severity, there may be a pocket of infection under the gum line. Plus exposure of the tooth roots can be uncomfortable and this could make Shilo not eat well. Here is a link about Periodontal Disease: https://www.petcoach.co/article/periodontal-disease/ Here is a link with general information about pet dental care: https://www.petcoach.co/article/periodontal-disease/ I recommend to make an appointment this week with Shilo's veterinarian for an exam. They can give her a thorough exam and then discuss with you appropriate therapy. If they find that those teeth are in bad shape, they will most likely recommend to remove them. This is the best course of action long term and Shilo will still be able to eat, chew and play normally after they are healed. I hope this helps and that things get figured out quickly!
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