Possible blood in pet stool? My small dog got into some toilet paper recently. We are currently not in the financial position to take her into the vet but in the case of an emergency I will find a way. She got into the tp almost a week ago and I've been watching her potties closely since then. Typically they are normal but recently she's had one other concerning me besides this one. There was also some white foam vomit? She's active and eating and drinking normally. Should I run her in?
Updated On July 25th, 2022
Pet's info: Dog | Australian Shepherd - miniature | Female | unspayed | 2 years and 2 months old | 14 lbs
Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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Toilet paper should pass, but may cause some digestive upset or cause blockage of the bowels if enough was eaten. That said, blood from the stomach is usually dark red or black, and blood from the rectum/anus is a brighter red color. If Brie has eaten any new treats or foods, that can also affect stool color. If the red stool and vomit only occurred once after eating the toilet paper, I would continue to monitor Brie for any other signs of a blockage, These include continued vomiting and diarrhea, blood in either still, hunched or tender abdomen, bloated abdomen, not wanting to eat or drink, or attempting to vomit or defecate without success, as these are all signs of a medical emergency. You may also want to offer a bland diet for a few days to help with any minor digestive upset. Boiled chicken and rice is an easy option on the stomach. If you suspect a blockage, the symptoms continue, or Brie isn't improving, vet care ASAP is best.
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