Gave my 15 lb cat Elanco dewormer for tapeworms...1 and half tablets. Have seen two small worms by anus. He vomited within a half hour a 5-6" tapeworm. Should I give him additional tablets since he barely absorbed them? The tapeworm must have migrated to his stomach? He eats mice and rodents
Updated On July 26th, 2022
Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Male | neutered | 15 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Poor Timmy! If he also vomited up the tablet, you will have to give him an additional deworming treatment. I would wait until tomorrow to give him another one, and give it to him with some food, such as boiled white meat chicken (no bones or skin). Tapeworms can travel into the cat's stomach, which is why you would have seen him vomit one. It sounds like he has a heavy burden of worms. He will likely need another treatment with the deworming tablet three weeks after first deworming treatment (the ones that stays down and isn't vomited up) to kill all the worms. I hope this helps.
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