My mom and I feed strays near our house. About 36 hours ago, we fed them some scallops that may have had garlic salt on them. My mom washed them off first, but I'm still worried that they might get sick from any garlic that might have still been on them. I haven't seen any GI issues and they still seem energetic/not lethargic, but what else should I be looking for symptom-wise? Thank you.

Updated On August 19th, 2022

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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How lovely of you and your mom to feed strays near your house! Garlic poisoning is quite serious in cats, and signs of it include vomiting, breathing difficulties, diarrhea, and pale gums. Given that your mom washed off the scallops like they did not have any garlic left on them, but you can still keep monitoring them for the signs I mentioned above. I hope this helps!

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