My labradoodle was having ear issue, I bought an ear wash I think I may have put too much in her canal? What can I do? She’s itching it ( put her in a cone ) shaking her head constantly and it is leaking yucky stuff .. do I keep using the product ( directions say 7 days)
Updated On October 2nd, 2022
Pet's info: Dog | Labradoodle | Female | unspayed | 40 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Poor Pippa! Her ear looks quite red in the picture, and I wonder if she has an ear infection. I would not keep using the product. An ear wash will not likely treat the infection depending on the ingredients of the wash, as ear infections can be caused by bacteria, yeast, or fungus. She needs to see a vet asap as this cannot be treated with OTC products, and leaving this untreated can lead to hearing loss, plus she sounds very uncomfortable. Please take her into a vet now to get this diagnosed and treated. I hope this helps.
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