We have noticed a few dark spots of fur on our mini goldendoodles back in the last couple of days. One is about the size of a quarter, and the others are smaller. The fur is dark brown at the base with lighter fur on top. No change in skin color or any abnormalities. It is not sensitive to the touch, as he doesn’t mind us examining it. Leo is 3 years old and is a light apricot color. He was darker when he was a puppy, but has lightened up the last couple of years. Thank you for your expertise.

Updated On October 6th, 2022

Pet's info: Dog | Goldendoodle | Male | neutered | 3 years old | 45 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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Hyperpigmentation of the skin/fur can be caused by a number of things, including trauma that is causing the skin or coat to need to repair itself (which can return to normal over time on its own), secondary to issues such as hypothyroidism or Cushing's disease, or in response to infections from bacteria, yeast, or fungus. If the area does not resolve on its own, seems to be spreading, or becomes itchy or bothersome, I would have your vet take a look. They can take a sample of the area to check for infections, and may recommend bloodwork to rule out metabolic diseases, however these disease are less common in younger dogs. In the meantime, keeping the spot clean and dry, monitoring it for any spreading, rapid changes, or new symptoms, and keeping Leo from rubbing or scratching at it may help it resolve.

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