My doggy had a a small sore on his rear end cauterized at the vet a week ago and they gave him a rectal exam and emptied his anal sacs. When he got home he was playing and wet the bed. He has since had multiple potty accidents and been moaning and uncomfortable. He ate a piece of a mushroom two days ago, but poison control said it was not toxic and the accidents started right after his vet appointment. Could his bladder have been injured during the exam or it have caused a uti?
Updated On January 18th, 2023
Pet's info: Dog | Dachshund (Miniature Wire Haired) | Male | neutered | 10 years and 4 months old | 9.5 lbs
Answered By Lotus Altholtz 215
Veterinarian, Board-Certified Lab Animal Medicine Specialist
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A sore in the rear and full anal glands sounds like an anal gland fistula (where the anal glands get so full they break through the skin) that usually require flushing, oral skin antibiotics, a topical steroid/antibiotic ointment, an e-collar to prevent licking and a few days worth of oral non steroidal anti-inflammatories for pain (but do not give your dog Tylenol or ibuprofen as they are toxic to dogs). Anal gland fistulae are pretty painful esp as most are inflamed, infected and swollen. Perhaps make an appointment ASAP at another vet’s for a second opinion …and you are more than welcome to post a follow up with pics of the cauterized sore. Best wishes!
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