Hi I have a female puppy 10 weeks old and Have umbilical hernia is small in left side .. can the puppy body absorb the hernia heal it self ??

Updated On January 26th, 2023

Pet's info: Dog | German Shepherd | Female | unspayed | 2 months and 17 days old | 10.5 lbs

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Answered By Lotus Altholtz

Veterinarian, Board-Certified Lab Animal Medicine Specialist

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Hernia’s generally never heal on their own. Depending on the size of the hernia (the larger the more urgent) and whether or not the bulge can be pushed back into the abdomen (if a loop of intestines can come through, Vs just abdominal fat …it is at risk of getting twisted and dying/strangulating) your vet may recommend an emergency hernia repair or repair it at the time of her spay (recommended to prevent pyometra). Getting the hernia palapated/examined by your vet at Minnie’s vaccine appointments is recommended. Congratulations on your new puppy!

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