Hi, My dog is coming up to 5 weeks pregnant. Today she had a very watery bloody diarrhoea. I’m really worried this means she has lost her pups? She had a change to her diet last week where we tried her on raw beef but only twice in one week and not consecutive days.

Updated On February 11th, 2023

Pet's info: Dog | Dachshund miniature | Female | unspayed

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Poor Flo, I see what you mean about the diarrhea. It does look pretty red in the picture. Given that you did change her diet recently to raw beef, that could be the cause of the diarrhea. The raw beef is dangerous to feed dogs, as it contains serious bacteria like E coli and Salmonella, both of with can and does make dogs sick and give them bloody diarrhea. Even just the change of diet itself can cause the diarrhea, as sudden diet changes in dogs can cause this problem. That being said, I can't say for certain what is the cause of her bloody diarrhea and because she is pregnant, I would get her checked out by a vet asap. Her health is extremely important during pregnancy, and any bloody diarrhea should always be checked out promptly by a vet. I would take her into one today. I hope this helps.

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