My dog may have eaten a 600 mg calcium and 800 is vitamin d3 pill. He is 22 weeks and 14 lbs. What should I do?
Updated On February 17th, 2023
Pet's info: Dog | Pembroke Welsh Corgi | Male | unneutered | 5 months and 10 days old | 15 lbs
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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This is not a toxic dose for a 15 pound dog. That being said, it could still upset his stomach. He could show signs anytime in the next 48 hours. If he starts to seem sick you should take him to your vet ASAP. I suggest you feed him 1/2 a piece of bread that will help coat the tablet and pull it through his GI tract. No other food for 6 hours. Hope this helps. Best wishes.
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