This lil guy had been caged in a barn the first 2.5 years of his life. The rescue I adopted him from treated him for ticks, fleas, and 2X for ear mites. He is scratching his right ear and it's a little pink, could this be return of the mites? If so, the rescue said apple cider vinegar will kill them. Is it better to be treated by a vet or is ACV worth a shot? His right eye was goopy, too. I have another cat, though new guy is still in quarantine I'm concerned about transfer to her.

Updated On March 23rd, 2023

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 2 years and 6 months old

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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It could be that he has ear mites - it would be a recurrence though as they are only transmitted cat to cat. It is more likely they didn't get them fully treated. The best way to treat ear mites is with a topical product called Revolution (selamectin). It may have a different brand name in Canada. It is a topical that goes on the back of the neck, not in the ear. It is, by far, the easiest and most effective way to treat them. It is a prescription item that can only be purchased from a veterinarian. If the rescue was using ACV to treat the mites, it is highly likely they didn't get them all. I have never hear of ACV treating ear mites. It could also be that it is not ear mites but either wax build-up or a secondary ear infection. I cannot tell you that for sure. He needs to be seen by a vet - not the rescue personnel. So, yes, I think you should take him to your vet for an exam. Hope this helps. Best wishes.

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