My dog was diagnosed with MCT in February on his back left leg. Grade 2, high grade MI 12 and dirty margins with it invading his blood vessels/lymph. Vet gave him 4-6months to live. He’s been fine until recently that leg has swollen tremendously and it seems as the days go by the swelling is going up his body to under his stomach on the left side and it feels to be fluid fill. is this from the cancer as he has no other medical issues ? Is this apart of what the cancer does? He’s on Benadryl.

Updated On April 21st, 2023

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Large (61lb +) | Male | neutered | 7 years and 5 months old | 95 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Poor Diesel. I would be worried this could be part of his cancer. The release of large amounts of histamine from mast cell tumors into the body can cause local inflammation and swelling around a mast cell tumor. In the picture, his leg does look quite swollen and it's quite concerning that the fluid is spreading to other areas. I think it's important to take him into a vet immediately to have this checked out. It may be time to talk about his quality of life, as it could be that letting him go peacefully would be the best option for him. I know that is an extremely hard conversation to have, but they are important ones to have when a dog is sick with a terminal illness. Please take him into a vet asap. I'm sorry that you have to deal with this.

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