Hello, I am Yusuf and my budgie got injured. Its name is Blue and for the past few days, his feet got curled in wrong directions. I think it was because he had too long toenails and i think thats the reason. Now his three fingers are curled and looking in wrong directions. Im trying to constantly keep him in his cage and fix his fingers, although i would like for him to heal really quickly. If you got any solutions please tell me.

Updated On May 22nd, 2023

Pet's info: Bird | Parakeet | Female | 0.1 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Hello Yusuf. I'm sorry this happened to Blue. I agree with you, I suspect his nail was too long and it must have gotten stuck in something and he damaged his toe. The toe looks red and swollen and could very well be broken (hence the curling). I know you would like to do something and try to make it heal faster but honestly it is best to leave it alone to heal naturally. There really isn't anything you can do as that toe cannot be immobilized or splinted. The good thing is that birds bones heal relatively quickly anyway. Even if the toe heals in a curled position it will not likely cause him any long term issues. The best thing is to just make sure his nails are trimmed regularly so they can get shorter and to make sure there is nothing in his cage that the nails could get stuck in. Hope this helps. Best wishes.

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