Cat suddenly has diarrhea. Has had 4 loose stools today. 4th time saw little blood. Behavior, playfulness, and energy is otherwise normal. Eating and drinking more bc will eat/drink after each BM. Has always been good eater/drinker. He’s chatty as normal and still likes belly rubs. Changes: 2 wks ago given oral flea med &started adding new food to transition to but I add less than a handful and he mostly eats around it. I didn’t see him eat anything bad but know he eats grass sometimes in yard

Updated On June 11th, 2023

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Male | neutered | 2 years and 3 months old | 7 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Hello, thank you for using PetCoach. I suggest you have him dewormed and I would also start him on a probiotic (Fortiflora). If you do those two things and the diarrhea doesn't start to resolve in a few days then you need to take him to a vet for an exam. ( ) ( ) I don't think the oral flea/tick med is the issue but of course it can be. If you use that again in the future and the diarrhea starts again then you can probably confidently say that it is the issue in which case I would stop using it. Usually if that is the case the diarrhea starts within 24 hours of administration. Two weeks later, it is not likely. The new food is also possibly the culprit but again, you didn't switch cold turkey and it doesn't sound like he is eating that much of it anyway. Again, possible but not likely. Hope this helps. Best wishes.

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