my dog is 4yearsold, 14pounds poodle, refuses to eat since 06/02.First he ate a little chicken liver, cookies, 6/3 and06/04 refuses to eat at all, drinks water, vomited 4-5 times during these days after water. Pooped with blood 3 times Tonight and today didn't vomit, only pooped diarrhea with blood two times, but still refuses to eat. Drinks and keeps water, acts normal, concern he refuses to eat and diarhea, I talked to his vet, said wait, look, give rice, probiotics, come 06.05,but he not eat
Updated On July 4th, 2023
Pet's info: Dog | Poodle | Male | unneutered | 3 years and 7 months old | 10 lbs
Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM 87
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Poor guy. It sounds like you should go to another vet for a second opinion here. Something is definitely causing your pets inappetence and GI symptoms. Some things to consider as causes would be addison's disease and pancreatitis. I would recommend going back to the vet to have bloodwork analysis and a urinalysis to start. They may also want to do radiographs as well. In the meantime it is best to offer small portion meals of boiled plain chicken or lean ground turkey and white rice with some pedialyte (non-flavored) diluted 50:50 with water to help replace some of the electrolyte losses. Best of luck with your pet going forward. Take care
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