My 2-yr-old male tabby will not eat or drink or pass urine. He tries constantly, but this morning, he began meowing pretty constantly and he’s not a meow-er. When I got home tonight he had some foam in his mouth and was fairly lifeless. He has walked around some, but mostly lying around. I’m not sure of his exact weight, so I gave him 6mg of tramadol (dosage rec online) and he had more foam. Wondering if he’ll be ok to take to my vet first thing in the morning, or if I should consider emergency

Updated On July 5th, 2023

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Hello, thank you for using PetCoach. Your cat needs to go to an emergency veterinarian IMMEDIATELY. Based on your description I suspect he may have a urinary blockage. He could pass away or even sustain kidney damage if not treated promptly. ( ) Please take him immediately!

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