My dog ate 100g of biscuits with butter filled with cocao cream. She is acting fine for now, however I don’t know if this can be poisonous for her. She is beagle, 2.5 years old 35 lbs. The photo is photo of ingredients.

Updated On July 8th, 2023

Pet's info: Dog | Beagle | Female | spayed | 2 years and 5 months old | 35 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Unfortunately the ingredients don't list exactly how much cocoa powder is in the mix. Is it 2.3% of 100g or is it 2.3% of the 35% cocoa cream. Without knowing exactly how much she ingested I cannot say for sure if the dose was toxic. I highly recommend you call Pet Poison Helpline. They will likely be able to help you better.

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My personal opinion is that you should take Snoopy to an emergency vet. Cocoa powder is even more dangerous than regular chocolate as it can contain as much as 50% more theobromine (the fatal ingredient). So as little as four ounces could be deadlyl. You should go immediately to the vet and not wait for symptoms to begin.

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